An error of 242 years is found in the current Jewish calendar. Some years during the time of Judges do omit. So the Gregorian year 2013 equals year 6016 and not 5774 in the Jewish calendar. This error is based on the calculations of E. W. Faulstich, Chronology History Research Institute in Iowa, USA.


Also the calculation made by a Christian monk Dionysios Exiguus in the year 525 that is the base of our Gregorian calendar is shown to be false. Also the modern time people who make up their calculations are to be approached sceptically along side with the medieval calculation makers.


It is obviously the hand of God at work here. He has let all the calculations to be erroneous. Calculation makers may chew their pens to pieces and fill their bins with crushed papers.


God Himself uses 360 day years and 30 day months in the prophesies that He has given in the Bible (Daniel 12:7; Revelations 12:14; 12:6; 13:5). Obviously the length of years and months has been like that before the Flood. During the Flood the length of the orbit of Earth has changed which has affected also the cycle of Moon. Before the Flood these cycles have been regular: 12 30 day months and 360 days in each year. That is natural, on the 4th day of creation sun and moon were set to be for signs, and for seasons, and for days and years and not in a so irregular way as they do today (Gen. 1:14). Back then the times they showed were precisely as long as mentioned above. So if one wants to be challenged to calculate, it is good to consider this.


There are no years mentioned in the Bible in the form we usually put them. In case of a year is mentioned, it is in the form of: “In the xx year of king xx” (e.g. 1. King 14:25). So it seems not to be important to us to know which year is running. It is enough for us to know the sings of times that are given in the Bible. Following them helps to have the precision needed.


Moshe Zew