Created in His image

The name of our Creator as written in The Word is in Hebrew: יהוה

In Bereshit 1.27 (Genesis) it is written:

And Elohim created the man in His image, in the image of Elohim He created him – male and female He created them (TS2009). 

If you write The Name of our Creator from top to bottom look what you see:

Amazing how the Hebrew lines up with this verse in Bereshit.

In Hebrew each letter has a number:

So the name from our Creater: יהוה

This number 26 is 2 x 13 .. and if we see the words for unity (being one) and love in Hebrew we find:

This is only a start of the amaging journey through the Hebrew language.

One very interesting site which also explaines about the Hebrew names of Elohim is hebrew4christians.