Names and words, which refer to the Messiah

תנ”ך “TaNaKh” = תורה Torah, נביאים Prophets and

כתובים Writings is so called “Old Testament”. English text

from The Hebrew Names Version of the World English

Bible (HNV) and from the King James Version (KJV).


דניאל / Daniel 9:25: Know therefore and discern, that

from the going forth of the mitzvah to restore and to

build Jerusalem to משיח the Messiah the prince, shall

be seven weeks, and sixty-two weeks: it shall be built

again, with street and moat, even in troubled times.

W = Word
P = Position


דניאל / Daniel 9:26: After the sixty-two weeks משיח

the Anointed One shall be cut off, and shall have nothing:

and the people of the prince who shall come shall destroy

the city and the sanctuary; and the end of it shall be with

a flood, and even to the end shall be war; desolations are


תהלים / Psalms 2:2: The kings of the eretz take a stand,

and the rulers take counsel together, Against the LORD,

and against משיחו His Messiah, saying


בראשית / Genesis 49:10: The scepter will not depart

from Yehudah, Nor the ruler’s staff from between his

feet, until שילה He (“Shiloh in Hebrew TaNaKh)

comes to whom it belongs. To him will the obedience

of the peoples be.

Shiloh come and Messiah is 358 in gematria.


בראשית / Genesis 49:11: Binding his foal to the vine,

His donkey’s colt to שרקה the choice vine; He has

washed his garments in wine, His robes in the blood

of grapes.

שרקה the choice vine numeric value is 605.

       605 שש-מאות וחמשה sixhundred five and

       ישוע המשיח YESHUA MESSIAH (מלוי)

       are by their numeric value 1406.


מלאכי / Malachi 3:1: “Behold, I send my messenger,

and he will prepare the way before me; and the Lord,

whom you seek, will suddenly come to his temple;

and מלאך הברית the messenger of the covenant,

whom you desire, behold, he comes!” says

the LORD of hosts.


I will raise them up a Prophet from among their brethren,

like unto thee, and will put my words in his mouth; and he

shall speak unto them allthat I shall command him

(דברים Deuteronomy 18:18) is 6084 in gematria.

       Numbers 6, 0, 8, 4 six, zero, eight, four and

       His Name is Yeshua the Messiah
       is 1425 in gematria.


ירמיה / Jeremiah 23:6: In his days Judah shall be saved,

and Israel shall dwell safely; and this is his name by

which he shall be called: יהוה צדקנו the LORD (YHWH)

our righteousness.

ירמיה / Jeremiah 33:16: In those days shall Judah be saved,

and Jerusalem shall dwell safely; and this is the name by

which she shall be called: יהוה צדקנו the LORD (YHWH)

our righteousness.

 יהוה צדקנו YHWH our righteousness and

הגפן the vine (מלוי; John 15:1)

are by their numeric value 276.

       2, 7, 6 שתים שבע שש

       two, seven, six (מספר גדול) and

       המשיח בן-דוד

       The Messiah Son of David (מלוי)

       are by their numeric value 2282.

       2, 7, 6 שתים שבע שש

       two, seven, six (מלוי מספר גדול) and

       ישוע הוא המשיח של ישראל

       Yeshua is Messiah of Israel (מלוי)

       are by their numeric value 3044.


יהוה צדקנו YHWH our righteousness (מלוי) and

דם-השה Blood of Lamb (מלוי; Rev. 7:14; 12:11)

are by their numeric value 886.

       886 שמונה-מאות שמונים וששה

       eighthundred eightysix and

       אלהי בבשר GOD in flesh (מלוי)

       are by their numeric value 1905.

       8, 8, 6 שמונה שמונה שש

       eight, eight, six,

       האדון ישוע המשיח אלהי ישראל

       Yeshua Messiah is GOD of Israeland

       אדני הארץ Lord of World (מלוי)

       are by their numeric value 1402.

       8, 8, 6 שמונה שמונה שש

       eight, eight, six (מלוי),

       אשר ירעה את-עמי ישראל

       that shall rule my people Israel  (Matt. 2:6) and

       בדמך קנית לאלהים מכל-משפחה ולשון וכל-עם וגוי

       bought us for God with your blood,

       Out of every tribe, language,

       people, and nation (Rev. 5:9)

       are by their numeric value 1848.


בראשית 32:31 / Genesis 32:30: Jakob called the name of

the place פניאל Peni’el: for, he said, “I have seen God face

to face, and my life is preserved.”

פניאל Peniel numeric value is 171.


       171 מאה שבעים ואחד

       onehundred seventyone and

       יהוה הוא באדון ישוע

       YHWH is in Lord Yeshua

       are by their numeric value 487.




פניאל Peniel (מלוי) and

1, 1, 5, 1 אחד אחד חמשה אחד

one, one, five, one and

1, 5, 1, 1 אחד חמשה אחד אחד

one, five, one, one

are by their numeric value 392.


       3, 9, 2 שלשה תשעה שנים

       three, nine, two and

       המאמין בה לא יבוש

       He who believes in him will not

       be disappointed (1 Peter 2:6)

       are by their numeric value 1810.


       3, 9, 2 שלשה תשעה שנים

       three, nine, two (מלוי) and

       לכן אנשים אחים יודע לכם כי על-ידי-זה

       תקרא לכם סליחת החטאים

       Be it known to you therefore, brothers,

       that through this man is proclaimed

       to you remission of sins (Acts 13:38)

       are by their numeric value 2268.


       הוא הישב בענן

       He sat on the cloud (מספר גדול); Rev. 14:16)

       numeric value is 1151.


       אבן בציון stone in Tziyon

        (מספר גדול); Is. 28:16) and

       זבח שלמים peace offering (Leviticus 3:1)

       are by their numeric value 1511.



בראשית / Genesis 38:29: It happened, as he drew back

his hand, that behold, his brother came out, and she said,

“Why have you made a breach for yourself?” Therefore

his name was called פרץ Peretz.


מיכה / Micah 2:13: (הפרץ The breaker, KJV) He who

breaks open the way goes up before them. They break

through the gate, and go out. And their king passes

on before them, With the LORD at their head.”


הפרץ The breaker and

הוא המשיח He is Messiah

are by their numeric value 375.




הפרץ The breaker (מספר גדול) and

אדון ישוע Lord Yeshua (מלוי)

are by their numeric value 1185.


ישעיה / Isaiah 63:9: In all their affliction he was afflicted,

and מלאך פניו the angel of his presence saved them: in his

love and in his pity he redeemed them; and he bore them,

and carried them all the days of old.

מלאך פניו the Angel of His Presence and

הדבר יהוה Word of YHWH

are by their numeric value 237.

       2, 3, 7 שתים שלש שבע two, three, seven,

       ברוך אתה יהוה אלהינו מלך העולם ישוע המשיח

       Blessed You YHWH Our GOD King

       of the World Yeshua the Messiah and

       ישוע הוא האל ובן-האדם

       Yeshua is GOD and a man

       are by their numeric value 1752.


תהלים / Psalms 76:12: He will cut off the spirit of princes.

He is מורא feared (terrible, KJV) by the kings of the eretz.

מורא Feared and

יראי יהוה as fearYHWH (Malachi 3:16)

are by their numeric value 247.

       247 מאתים ארבעים ושבעה

       twohundred fourtyseven and

       מורא-שמים fear of God

       are by their numeric value 1197.


מורא Feared (מלוי) and

האדון יהוה Lord YHWH

are by their numeric value 713.

       713 שבע-מאות ושלשה-עשר

       sevenhundred thirten and

       כי לך הממלכה והגבורה והתפארת לעולמי עולמים אמן

       For yours is the kingdom, the power,

       and the glory forever. Amen. (Matt. 6:13)

       are by their numeric value 2030.


ישעיה / Isaiah 41:27: I am ראשון the first who says to Zion,

Behold, behold them; and I will give to Jerusalem one who

brings good news.

ראשון the First numeric value is 557.

       5, 5, 7 חמשה חמשה שבעה

       five, five, seven and

       אלהי הארץ ישוע הנצרי

       GOD of World Yeshua of Nazareth

       are by their numeric value 1083.


ראשון the First (מספר גדול)numeric value is 1207.

       1, 2, 0, 7 אחד שנים אפס שבעה

       one, two, zero, seven (מספר גדול) and

       שם שלו האדון ישוע המשיח

       His Name is Lord Yeshua Messiah

       are by their numeric value 1491.


ראשון the First (מלוי) numeric value is 1099.

       1, 0, 9, 9 אחד אפס תשעה תשעה

       one, zero, nine, nine and

       אבן-ישראל Stone of Israel (Genesis 49:24)

       are by their numeric value 1704.

The HEAD of the CORNER

תהלים / Psalms 118:22: The stone which the builders

rejected has become ראש-פנה the head of the corner.

ראש-פנה the Head of the Corner

numeric value is 636.

       636 שש-מאות שלשים וששה

       sixhundred thirtysix and

       שם שלו האדון ישוע

       His Name is Lord Yeshua (מספר גדול)

       are by their numeric value 2338.

       636 שש-מאות שלשים וששה

       sixhundred thirtysix (מלוי) and

       שם שלו האדון ישוע המשיח

       His Name is Lord Yeshua Messiah (מלוי)

       are by their numeric value 2961.


ראש-פנה the Head of the Corner (מלוי),

1037 אלף שלשים ושבעה

one thousand and thirty-seven,

8, 7, 8 שמונה שבע שמונה

eight, seven, eight,

1, 4, 4, 6 אחד ארבעה ארבעה ששה

one, four, four, six and

1, 6, 4, 4 אחד ששה ארבעה ארבעה

one, six, four, four

are by their numeric value 1174.

       1174 אלף מאה שבעים וארבעה

       onethousand onehundred seventy four and

       סוד האלהים the mystery of God

        (מלוי; Rev. 10:7)

       are by their numeric value 863.

       משיח Messiah (מלוי) numeric value is 878.

       האדון ישוע המשיח מלך ישראל

       Lord Yeshua Messiah King of Israel

       numeric value is 1446.

       ברוך הבא בשם יהוה

      Blessed is he that cometh in

       the name of the Lord (מספר גדול; Matt. 23:39)

       numeric value is 1644.


ישעיה / Isaiah 28:16: therefore thus says the Lord GOD,

Behold, I lay in Zion for a foundation a stone, אבן בחן

a tried stone, a precious corner –stone of sure foundation:

he who believes shall not be in haste.


אבן בחן a Tried Stone

numeric value is 113.


       1, 1, 3 אחת אחת שלש

       one, one, three and

       אדון ישוע משיח הוא מלך ישראל

       Lord Yeshua Messiah is King of Israel

       are by their numeric value 1448.




אבן בחן a Tried Stone (מספר גדול),

1123 אלף מאה עשרים ושלש

onethousand twentythree and

1166 אלף מאה ששים ושש

onethousand onehundred sixtysix,

7, 8, 3 שבעה שמונה שלשה

seven, eight, three,

8, 3, 7 שמונה שלשה שבעה

eight, three, seven and

8, 7, 3 שמונה שבעה שלשה

eight, seven, three

are by their numeric value 1413.


       שם שלו אדון ישוע

       His name is Lord Yeshua and

       הוא מלך ישראל

       He is King of Israel

       are by their numeric value 1123.


       ישוע מנצרת Yeshua from Nazareth

       numeric value is 1166.


       הדבר נהיה בשר

       The Word became flesh (John 1:14),

       האמן העד הנאמן והאמתי

       The Amen, the Faithful and True Witness (Rev. 3:14),

       מדוע אפוא לא האמנתם בו

       Why then did you not believe him? (Mark. 11:31) and

       כי אני יהוה אלהיכם

       for I am the YHWH your God

       (מספר גדול; Leviticus 26:1)

       are by their numeric value 783.


       אלהים בישוע המשיח

       GOD in Yeshua Messiah and

       לםרבה (Of the increase of his) government

       (מספר גדול; In TaNaKh Isaiah 9:6, In English Bible 9:7)

       are by their numeric value 837.


       אני חקר כליות ולב

       I am he who searches the minds and hearts (Rev. 2:23)

       numeric value is 873.




אבן בחן a Tried Stone (מלוי),

1608 אלף שש-מאות ושמונה

onethousand sixhundred eight,

1806 אלף שמונה-מאות ושש

onethousand eighthundred six,

1, 2, 9, 7 אחד שנים תשעה שבעה

one, two, nine, seven,

2, 8, 0, 4 שתים שמונה אפס ארבע

two, eight, zero, four and

2, 6 שנים ששה two, six (מספר גדול)

are by their numeric value 1565.


       1565 אלף חמש-מאות ששים וחמשה

       onethousand  fivehundred sixtyfive and

       יורד מן-השמים descend from heaven (מספר גדול)

       are by their numeric value 1915.


       1, 5, 6, 5 אחד חמשה ששה חמשה

       one, five, six, five and

       שם המשיח the Name of Messiah (מלוי)

       are by their numeric value 1324.


       ישוע הוא מלך היהודים

       Yeshua is King of Jew (מספר גדול)

        numeric value is 1608.


       הוא דבר האמונה

       He is the Word of Faith (מלוי; Rom. 10:8)

       numeric value is 1806.


       אדון ישוע הוא הראשון והאחרון

       Lord Yeshua is the First and the Last

       numeric value is 1297.

       ישוע המשיח בן-דוד

       Yeshua Messiah Son of David (מלוי)

       numeric value is 2804.


       יהוה YHWH and יה GOD (מלוי)

       are by their numeric value 26.


הושע / Hosea 3:5: Afterward the children of Israel shall

return, and seek the LORD their God, and דוד מלכם

David their King, and shall come with trembling to

the LORD and to his blessings in the last days.


דוד מלכם David their King and

אלהים חיים The Living GOD (Jeremiah 10:10)

are by their numeric value 154.


       154 מאה חמשים וארבע fivehundred fiftyfour,

       בשם ישוע In the Name Yeshua and

       הוא האדון He is Lord

       are by their numeric value 728.




דוד מלכם David their King (מלוי) and

המשיח של ישראל The Messiah of Israel

are by their numeric value 1234.


דניאל / Daniel 2:22: He reveals the deep and secret things;

He knows what is in the darkness, and נהירא the light

(aram.) dwells with Him.

נהירא The Light (aram.),

פלא Wonderful (מלוי; Isaiah 9:5) and

יועץ Counselor (ישעיה / Isaiah 9:5)

are by their numeric value 266.


       266 מאתים ששים וששה

       twohundred sixtysixand

       ברוך אתה יהוה אלהינו מלך העולם ישוע המשיח

       Blessed are you YHWH our God

       King of the World Yeshua the Messiah

       ישוע הוא האל ובן-האדם

       Yeshua is GOD and a man (מספר גדול)

       are by their numeric value 1752.


       2, 6, 6 שנים ששה ששה two, six, six,

       אחר כבוד שלחני אל-הגוים השללים אתכם

       For honor he has sent me to the nations

       which plundered you (Zechariah 2:8) and

       אכן גם-לגוים נתן האלהים התשובה לחיים

       then GOD has also granted to

       the Goyim repentance to life (Acts 11:18)

       are by their numeric value 1610.




נהירא The Light (מלוי),

אורים ותמים

the Urim and the Tummim (Exodus 28:30) and

5, 2 חמשה שנים  five, two

are by their numeric value 753.


       7, 5, 3 שבעה חמשה שלשה

       seven, five, three,

       האדון ישוע המשיח היה יהוה בבשר

       Lord Yeshua Messiah is YHWH in flesh,

       בן-האלהים הוא

       He is Son of GOD (מספר גדול) and

       אור מן-השמים

       the Light from Heaven (מלוי; Acts 9:3)

       are by their numeric value 1365.


       בן Son,

       אלהיו their GOD (Daniel 11:32) and

       יהיה is to come (מלוי)

       are by their numeric value 52.


איכה / Lamentations 1:16: For these things I weep; my eye,

my eye runs down with water; Because מנחם the Comforter

who should refresh my soul is far from me: My children

are desolate, because the enemy has prevailed.

ישעיה / Isaiah 52:9: Break forth into joy, sing together,

you waste places of Jerusalem; for the YHWH has נחם

comforted his people, he has redeemed Jerusalem.

מנחם the Comforter,

בן-אלהים Son of GOD,

הוא מאלהים He is from GOD,

צמח the Branch (Zechariah 6:12) and

הגפן the Vine (John 15:1)

are by their numeric value 138.


       138 מאה שלשים ושמונה

       onehundred thirtyeight and

       שר החיים

       the Prince of Life (מספר גדול; Acts 3:15)

       are by their numeric value 1133.


       138 מאה שלשים ושמונה

       onehundred thirtyeight (מספר גדול) and

       המשיח בן-אלהים

       the Messiah Son of GOD (מלוי)

       are by their numeric value 1693.


       1, 3, 8 אחד שלשה שמונה

       one, three, eight,

       אתה הוא מלך ישראל

       You are King of Israel (John 1:49),

       האור האמתי המאיר לכל-אדם

       The true light that enlightens everyone (John 1:9) and

       ישוע הוא האלהים

       Yeshua is GOD (מספר גדול)

       are by their numeric value 1049.




מנחם the Comforter,

הוא מאלהים He is from GOD (מספר גדול) and

שם משיח Name of the Messiah

are by their numeric value 698.


       698 שש-מאות תשעים ושמונה

       sixhundred ninetyeight and

       רבי אתה בן-אלהים

       Rabbi, You are the Son of God (מלויJohn 1:49)

       are by their numeric value 2274.


       6, 9, 8 ששה תשעה שמונה

       six, nine, eight and

       הוא הדרך לישועה

       He is the way to salvation (מלוי)

       are by their numeric value 1781.




מנחם the Comforter (מלוי) and

הוא יהוה אלהים

He is YHWH GOD (מספר גדול)

are by their numeric value 684.


       684 שש-מאות שמונים וארבעה

       sixhundred eightyfour,

       כדמות בן-אדם

       like a son of man (מספר גדול; Rev. 14:14),

       ישוע שם בן-האלהים

       Yeshua is name of Son of GOD and

       שופט כל-הארץ

       the Judge of all the earth (מלויGenesis 18:25)

       are by their numeric value 1777.


       684 שש-מאות שמונים וארבעה

       sixhundred eightyfour (מספר גדול) and

       הקים האלהים כפי ההבטחה גואל

       God has brought salvation… according to his

       promise (מלויActs 13:23)

       are by their numeric value 2337.


       6, 8, 4 ששה שמונה ארבעה

       six,eight, four and

       ברוך הבא בשם יהוה

       Blessed is he who comes in the name YHWH

       (of the Lord; (מלויMatt. 23:39)

       are by their numeric value 2459.


זכריה / Zechariah 9:1: An oracle. The word of the LORD

is against the land of חדרך Chadrakh, and will rest upon

Damascus; for the eye of man and of all the tribes of Israel

is toward the LORD.

חדרך Chadrakh and

דבר יהוה Word of YHWH

are by their numeric value 232.


       232 מאתים שלשים ושנים

       twohundred thirtytwo and

       לנו לחכמה מאת האלהים ולצדקה ולקדשה ולפדיום

       to us wisdom from God, and righteousness

       and sanctification, and redemption (1 Cor. 1:30)

       are by their numeric value 1577.




חדרך Chadrakh

numeric value is 712.


       712 שבע-מאות ושנים-עשר

       sevenhundred twelve (מספר גדול) and

       שם אדון ישוע משיח

       Name of Lord Yeshua the Messiah (מספר גדול)

       are by their numeric value 2355.


       7, 1, 2 שבעה אחד שנים

       seven, one, two and

       סוד האלהים אבינו

       the mystery of God our Father

       (מספר גדול; Col. 2:2)

       are by their numeric value 790.


       7, 1, 2 שבעה אחד שנים

       seven, one, two (מספר גדול),

       האב והבן ורוח הקדש

       the Father and the Son and

       the Holy Ghost (מספר גדול) and

       הישב על-הענן

       sat on the cloud (מספר גדול; Rev. 14:15)

       are by their numeric value 1350.




חדרך Chadrakh (מלוי) and

באדון ישוע המשיח

In Lord Yeshua the Messiah (מספר גדול)

are by their numeric value 1462.


       1462 אלף ארבע-מאות ששים ושנים

       onethousand fourhundred sixtytwo and

       הנה זה הוא אשר אמרתי הבא

       אחרי היה לפני כי קדם-לי היה

       This was He of whom I said, He who

       comes after me has surpassed me,

       who for He was before me (John 1:15)

       are by their numeric value 1887.


       1462 אלף ארבע-מאות ששים ושנים

       onethousand fourhundred sixtytwo (מספר גדול) and

       שם האב והבן ורוח הקדש הוא האדון ישוע המשיח

       Name of the Father and of the Son

       and of the Holy Ghost is the Lord

       Yeshua the Messiah (מספר גדול)

       are by their numeric value 3727.


       1, 4, 6, 2 אחד ארבעה ששה שנים

       one, four, six, two (מספר גדול) and

       יהוה בישוע משיח

       YHWH in Yeshua Messiah (מלוי)

       are by their numeric value 1856.


ירמיה / Jeremiah 16:13: therefore will I cast you forth out

of this land into the land that you have not known, neither

you nor your fathers; and there shall you serve other

gods day and night; for I will show you no חנינה favor

(in Hebrew TaNaKh: grace).


חנינה favor; grace and

באדנינו in our Lord

are by their numeric value 123.


       123 מאה עשרים ושלשה

       hundred twentythree and


       mercy, grace of right to

       are by their numeric value 1307.


       123 מאה עשרים ושלשה

       onehundred twentythree (מספר גדול),

       שם האב והבן ורוח הקדש הוא האדון ישוע המשיח

       Name of the Father and of the Son and of the

       Holy Ghost is the Lord Yeshua the Messiah,

       כי אתו שם האלהים לשופט החיים והמתים

       that this is He who is appointed by God as

       the Judge of the living and the dead (Acts 10:42),

       אדון כל-הארץ

       the LORD of all the earth (מספר גדול; Zech. 6:5),

       אשר האלהים הקים

       whom GOD raised (מספר גדול; Acts 13:37),

       הוא יהוה בבשר

       He is YHWH in flesh (מלוי) and

       סגר ואין פתח

       he shall shut, and none shall open (מלויIs. 22:22)

       are by their numeric value 1867.


       123 מאה עשרים ושלשה

       onehundred twentythree (מלוי מספר גדול),

       הוא ישוע המשיח בן-אלהים

       He is Yeshua the Messiah Son of GOD (מספר גדול),

       אלהים בישוע המשיח

       GOD in Yeshua the Messiah (מלוי) and

       בדמך קנית לאלהים

       bought (redeemed) for God

       with your blood (מלוי; Rev. 5:9)

       are by their numeric value 2109.


       1, 2, 3 אחד שנים שלשה

       one, two, three (מספר גדול) and

       הוא ישוע מלך היהודים

       He is Yeshua, the King of Jews (מספר גדול)

       are by their numeric value 1608.




חנינה favor; grace (מלוי)

numeric value is 656.


       656 שש-מאות חמשים וששה

       sixhundred fiftysix and

       בן-אדם המשיח ישוע

       the man Messiah Yeshua (מספר גדול; 1. Tim 2:5)

       are by their numeric value 2056.


       6, 5, 6 ששה חמשה ששה

       six, five, six (מלוי),

       אנכי הפתח איש כי-יבוא בי יושע

       ובצאתו ובבואו ימצא מרעה

       I am the door. If anyone enters in by me,

       he will be saved, and will go in and go out,

       and will find pasture (John 10:9) and

       משכן אלהים עם-בני האדם

       God’s dwelling (the tabernacle, KJV)

       is with people (מלוי; Rev. 21:3)

       are by their numeric value 2316.


דניאל / Daniel 7:13: I saw in the night-visions, and, behold,

there came with the clouds of the sky one כבר אנש

like a son of man (aram.), and he came even to the

ancient of days, and they brought him near before him.


כבר אנש like a Son of Man,

שר החיים the Prince of life (Acts 3:15) and

1, 4, 0, 0 אחד ארבעה אפס אפס

one, four, zero, zero

are by their numeric value 573.


       5, 7, 3 חמשה שבעה שלשה

       five, seven, three,

       האדון ישוע המשיח היה יהוה בבשר

       the Lord Yeshua Messiah is YHWH in flesh and

       הוא בן-האלהים

       He is Son of GOD (מספר גדול)

       are by their numeric value 1365.


       אשר עיניו כלבת-אש

       who has his eyes like a flame of fire (Rev. 2:18),

       ישוע משיח Yeshua Messiah (מלוי) and

       דבר יהוה Word of YHWH  (מלוי; Genesis 15:1,

       Acts 19:20; 1. Thess. 1:8; 2. Thess. 3:1; 1. Pet. 1:25)

       are by their numeric value 1400.



כבר אנש like a Son of Man (מלוי) and

35 שלשים וחמשה thirtyfive (מספר גדול)

are by their numeric value 1599.


       יהודי Jew (Esther 2:5)

       numeric value is 35.


זכריה / Zechariah 6:12: and speak to him, saying, ‘Thus

says the YHWH of Hosts, “Behold, the man whose name is

צמח the Branch: and he shall grow up out of his place;

and he shall build the temple of the YHWH.

ישעיה / Isaiah 4:2: In that day, צמח יהוה the YHWH’s branch

will be beautiful and glorious, and the fruit of the land will

be the beauty and glory of the survivors of Israel.

ירמיה / Jeremiah 23:5: Behold, the days come, says

the LORD, that I will raise to David צמח צדיק

a righteous Branch, and he shall reign as king

and deal wisely, and shall execute justice and

righteousness in the land.

צמח the Branch,

מנחם the Comforter (Lam. 1:16),

הגפן the Vine (John 15:1),

בן-אלהים Son of GOD and

הוא מאלהים He is from GOD

are by their numeric value 138.


       138 מאה שלשים ושמונה

       onehundred thirtyeight,

       שר החיים

       the Prince of life (Acts 3:15) and

       שלשתם אחד המה

       these three are one (1. John 5:7)

       are by their numeric value 1133.


       138 מאה שלשים ושמונה

       onehundred thirtyeight (מספר גדול) and

       המשיח בן-אלהים

       the Messiah Son of GOD (מלוי)

       are by their numeric value 1693.


       138 מאה שלשים ושמונה

       onehundred thirtyeight (מלוי) and

       אנכי אלהי אברהם

       I am the GOD of Abraham (מלוי; Matt. 22:32)

       are by their numeric value 1667.


       1, 3, 8 אחד שלשה שמונה

       one, three, eight,

       אתה הוא מלך ישראל

       You are King of Israel (John 1:49),

       האור האמתי המאיר לכל-אדם

       The True Light that enlightens everyone (John 1:9),

       הירדת משמים

       comes down out of heaven,

       ישוע הוא האלהים

       Yeshua is GOD (מספר גדול) and

       הוא היה מלך מלכי המלכים

       He is the King of kings (מלוי)

       are by their numeric value 1049.




צמח the Branch (מלוי),

הוא אלהים בבשר

He is GOD in flesh,

הוא ראש גוף

He is the head of the body (Col. 1:18),

דבר הישועה

the Word of Salvation (Acts 13:26),

מושיע the Saviour,

צלוב crucified (מלוי),

1200 אלף מאתים

onethousand twohundred and

2071 אלפים שבעים ואחד

twothousand seventyone

are by their numeric value 602.


       6, 0, 2 ששה אפס שנים

       six, zero, two and

       המלך לישראל

       the King to Israel (מספר גדול)

       are by their numeric value 1146.


       6, 0, 2 ששה אפס שנים

       six, zero, two (מספר גדול) and

       משכן אלהים GOD’s dwelling

       (מספר גדול; Rev. 21:3; the tabernacle, KJV)

       are by their numeric value 1706.


       לכם שלוח דבר

       the word is sent out to you

       (מספר גדול; Acts 13:26),

       כי-זה הוא משיח

       for He is Messiah and

       מוקרב offered (מלוי)

       are by their numeric value 1200.


       שם שלו אדון ישוע

       His Name is Lord Yeshua (מלוי)

       numeric value is 2071.


ישעיה / Isaiah 11:1: There shall come forth חטר a rod (a netzer) out

of the stock of Jesse, and a branch out of his roots shall

bear fruit.

חטר a Rod numeric value is 217.


       2, 1, 7 שנים אחד שבעה

       two, one, seven,

       ישוע משיח היה יהוה

       Yeshua Messiah is YHWH and

       סוד האלהים אבינו

       the mystery of God our Father

       (מספר גדול; Col. 2:2)

       are by their numeric value 790.


       2, 1, 7 שנים אחד שבעה

       two, one, seven (מספר גדול),

       האב והבן ורוח הקדש

       the Father and the Son and

       the Holy Ghost (מספר גדול) and

       הוא בכדור הארץ

       He is on Earth (מספר גדולand

       הישב על-הענן

       sat on the cloud (מלוי; Rev. 14:15)

       are by their numeric value 1350.




חטר a Rod (מלוי),

בן-אלהים חיים

the Son of the living GOD (מלוי; Matt. 16:16),

הוא מושיע של-הגוף

He is the Saviour of the body (מלוי; Eph. 5:23) and

1751 אלף שבע-מאות חמשים ואחד

onethousand sevenhundred fiftyone

are by their numeric value 1347.


       1347 אלף שלש-מאות ארבעים ושבעה

       onethousand threehundred fourtyseven and

       האדון ישוע באלהים

       the Lord Yeshua in GOD (מלוי)

       are by their numeric value 1894.


       1, 3, 4, 7 אחד שלשה ארבעה שבעה

       one, three, four, seven and

       אלהי אברהם אלהי יצחק ואלהי יעקב אלהי אבותינו

       The GOD of Abraham, Isaac, and Jakob,

       the GOD of our fathers (Acts 3:13)

       are by their numeric value 1303.


       ישוע הוא בן-האלהים

       Yeshua is Son of GOD (מספר גדול) and

       עיניו כלבת-אש

       His eyes were like a flame of fire

       (מלוי; Rev. 1:14; 2:18)

       are by their numeric value 1751.


ישעיה / Isaiah 11:1: There shall come forth a rod out of

the stock of Jesse, and נצר a branch out of his roots

shall bear fruit.

נצר a Branch

numeric value is 340.


       340 שלש-מאות וארבעים

       threehundred forty,

       ישוע המשיח

       Yeshua the Messiah (מלוי) and

       אתו שלח האלהים לשר וגאל

       GOD has sent Him as both

       a ruler and a deliverer (Acts 7:35)

       are by their numeric value 1406.


       340 שלש-מאות וארבעים

       threehundred forty (מלוי) and

       הוא בן-אדם המשיח ישוע

       He is the man Messiah Yeshua (מלוי; 1 Tim. 2:5)

       are by their numeric value 2678.


       3, 4, 0 שלשה ארבעה אפס

       three, four, zero,

       האדון ישוע הוא אלהים בבשר

       the Lord Yeshua is GOD in flesh and

       צמח שמו

       whose name is the Branch (מלוי; Zech. 6:12)

       are by their numeric value 1054.




נצר a Branch (מלוי)

numeric value is 720.


       720 שבע-מאות ועשרים

       sevenhundred twenty,

       הנה אור גדול מן-השמים

       behold, from the sky a great light

       (מספר גדול; Acts 22:6) and

       הוא אור לבני האדם

       He is the light of men (מלוי)

       are by their numeric value 2005.


       7, 2, 0 שבעה שנים אפס

       seven, two, zero,

       יהוה בבשר בישוע

       YHWH in flesh in Yeshua and

       הוא אשר היה בקהל במדבר

       This is He who was in the assembly

       in the wilderness (Acts 7:38)

       are by their numeric value 918.


ישעיה / Isaiah 11:10: It shall happen in that day, that

שרש ישי the root of Jesse, who stands for an ensign

of the peoples, to him shall the nations seek; and his

resting-place shall be glorious.

שרש ישי

the root of Yishai (Jesse) and

הוא בא בשלו ואשר-המה לו לא קבלהו

He came to his own, and those who were his own

didn’t receive him (John 1:11),

1056 אלף חמשים וששה

onethousand fiftysix,

1, 5, 7, 7 אחד חמשה שבעה שבעה

one, five, seven, seven,

1, 7, 5, 7 אחד שבעה חמשה שבעה

one, seven, five, seven and

1, 8, 5, 5 אחד שמונה חמשה חמשה

one, eight, five, five

are by their numeric value 1120.

       1120 אלף מאה ועשרים

       onethousand onehundred twenty,

       הדבר נהיה בשר

       The Word became flesh (John 1:14),

       האמן העד הנאמן והאמתי

       The Amen, the Faithful and True Witness (Rev. 3:14),

       מדוע אפוא לא האמנתם בו

       Why didn’t you believe him? (Mark. 11:31) and

       כי אני יהוה אלהיכם

       For I am the YHWH your GOD (Leviticus 11:44)

       are by their numeric value 783.

       1120 אלף מאה ועשרים

       onethousand onehundred twenty (מספר גדול) and

       אדון ישוע משיח

       Lord Yeshua Messiah (מלוי)

       are by their numeric value 2063.

       1, 1, 2, 0 אחד אחד שנים אפס

       one, one, two, zero and

       כדמות בן-אדם

       like a Son of Man (Rev. 14:14)

       are by their numeric value 567.

       קדוש אלהים Holy GOD (מספר גדול)

       numeric value is 1056.

       לנו לחכמה מאת האלהים ולצדקה ולקדשה ולפדיום

       to us wisdom from God, and righteousness and

       sanctification, and redemption (1 Cor. 1:30) and

       אין-סוף  endless, eternal (מספר גדול)

       are by their numeric value 1577.

       וכל-המאמים יצדק בו

       by him everyone who believes is justified (מלוי; Acts 13:39)

       numeric value is 1757.

       שם האב והבן ורוח הקדש האדון ישוע המשיח

       Name of the Father and of the Son and of

       the Holy Ghost the Lord Yeshua the Messiah

       numeric value is 1855.


שרש ישי

the root of Yishai and

הוא הרעה הטוב

He is the Good Shepherd (מלוי) and

1, 3, 6, 7 אחד שלשה ששה שבעה

one, three, six, seven and

1, 3, 7, 6 אחד שלשה שבעה ששה

one, three, seven, six

are by their numeric value 1630.

       1630 אלף שש-מאות ושלשים

       onethousand sixhundred thirty and

       מן-השמים from Heaven (מלוי מספר גדול)

       are by their numeric value 1844.

       1630 אלף שש-מאות ושלשים

       onethousand sixhundred thirty (מספר גדול) and

       קרבן חטאת a sin offering (מלוי מספר גדול)

       are by their numeric value 3124.

       1, 6, 3, 0 אחד ששה שלשה אפס

       one, six, three, zero and

       ישוע משיח הדרך לישועה

       Yeshua Messiah is the Way to Salvation

       are by their numeric value 1394.

       כי אני אל ואין עוד

       for I am GOD, and there is none else

       (מלוי; Is. 45:22)

       numeric value is 1367.

       הוא היה אל ובן-אדם

       He is GOD and a man (מספר גדול)

       numeric value is 1376.


ישעיה / Isaiah 53:2: For he grew up before him as a tender

plant, and as שרש a root out of a dry ground: he has no

form nor comeliness; and when we see him, there is no

beauty that we should desire him.

שרש Root,

יעשו-בו כרצונם

did to Him whatever they wanted to (Matth. 17:12),

רם lofty One (מספר גדול; Jes. 57:15),

הוא אדני He is Lord (מלוי),

77 שבעים ושבע seventyseven,

85 שמונים וחמש eightyfive,

2, 2 שנים שנים two, two and

3 שלשה three (מלוי)

are by their numeric value 800.


       800 שמונה-מאות

       eighthundred and

       האב הדבר ורוח הקדש

       the Father, the Word and the Holy Ghost

       are by their numeric value 848.


       8, 0, 0 שמונה אפס אפס

       eight, zero, zero,

       כבוד האלהים

       the Glory of the GOD (מספר גדול; Ezekiel 8:4) and

       הוא היה ישוע

       He is Yeshua (מלוי)

       are by their numeric value 683.

       (386 = ישוע Yeshua).


       8, 0, 0 שמונה אפס אפס

       eight, zero, zero (מלוי),

       כי-איש אמת אתה

       that you are Honest

       (True, KJV; Matth. 22:16; Mark. 12:14),

       מלאך הברית

       the Messenger of the Covenant

       (מספר גדול; Mal. 3:1) and

       לחם-חקו daily bread

       are by their numeric value 1188.


       הוא אדני He is Lord

       numeric value is 77.


       הוא היה אל ואב אחד

       He is one GOD and Father,

       הוא אביכם He is your Father and

       אם-חי-יהוה as the YHWH lives (Jer. 23:8)

       are by their numeric value 85.


       אכא is (aram.) numeric value is 22.


       אב Father numeric value is 3.




שרש Root (מלוי),

קדוש קדוש קדוש

Holy, Holy, Holy (Rev. 4:8) and

החי לעולמי עולמים

lives forever and ever (מלוי; Rev. 4:9)

are by their numeric value 1230.


ישעיה / Isaiah 53:2: For he grew up before him as יונק

a tender plant, and as a root out of a dry ground: he has

no form nor comeliness; and when we see him, there is

no beauty that we should desire him.

יונק a tender plant and

עליון the Most High (Deuteronomy 32:8)

are by their numeric value 166.


       166 מאה ששים וששה

       onehundred sixtysix (מספר גדול),

       שם האב והבן ורוח הקדש האדון ישוע המשיח

       Name of the Father and of the Son and of

       the Holy Ghost is the Lord Yeshua the Messiah,

       כי אתו שם האלהים לשופט החיים והמתים

       that this is He who is appointed by GOD as

       the Judge of the living and the dead (Acts 10:42),

       אדון כל-הארץ

       the LORD of all the earth (מספר גדול; Sac. 6:5),

       אשר האלהים הקים

       whom GOD raised  (מספר גדול; Acts 13:37),

       הוא יהוה בבשר

       He is YHWH in flesh (מלוי) and

       סגר ואין פתח

       he shall shut, and none shall open

       (מלוי; Is. 22:22)

       are by their numeric value 1867.


       166 מאה ששים וששה

       onehundred sixtysix (מלוי,

       קדוש קדוש קדוש יהוה צבאות

       Holy, holy, holy,is  the YHWH of Hosts (Is. 6:3),

       אדון ישוע הוא אלהים

       Lord Yeshua is GOD (מספר גדול) and

       הוא אדון אחד

       He is One LORD (מלוי)

       are by their numeric value 1755.


       166 מאה ששים וששה

       onehundred sixtysix (מלוי מספר גדול),

       לאבן נגף ולצור מכשול

       for a stone of stumbling and

       for a rock of offense (מלוי; Is. 8:14) and

       הוא אדון אחד

       He is One LORD (מלוי מספר גדול)

       are by their numeric value 2311.


       1, 6, 6 אחד ששה ששה

       one, six, six and

       האדון ישוע המשיח הוא שה האלהים

       the Lord Yeshua Messiah is the Lamb of GOD

       are by their numeric value 1223.




יונק a tender plant (מלויand

נכון the truth; true; indeed; right (מלוי)

are by their numeric value 324.


       324 שלש-מאות עשרים וארבעה

       threehundred twentyfour and

       אתה הוא מלך ישראל

       You are King of Israel (מלוי; John 1:49)

       are by their numeric value 1981.


       324 שלש-מאות עשרים וארבעה

       threehundred twentyfour (מספר גדול),

       אלהים בבשר

       GOD in flesh and

       אל-ארץ ישראל

       into the land of Israel (מלוי מספר גדול)

       are by their numeric value 2541.


       3, 2, 4 שלשה שנים ארבעה

       three, two, four,


       to the Jews (מלוי מספר גדול) and


       their Lord (מלוי מספר גדול)

       are by their numeric value 1313.


       3, 2, 4 שלשה שנים ארבעה

       three, two, four (מספר גדול),

       בראשית היה הדבר והדבר היה את האלהים

       In the beginning was the Word, and

       the Word was with GOD (John 1:1),

       אורים ותמים

       the Urim and the Tummim (מספר גדול; Ex. 28:30) and

       הוא המשיח דתי

       He is orthodox Messiah and

       הפתח ואין סגר

       opens and no one can shut (מלוי; Rev. 3:7)

       are by their numeric value 1873.


יחזקאל / Ezekiel 17:4: he cropped off ראש יניקותיו

the topmost of the young twigs of it, and carried it to

a land of traffic; he set it in a city of merchants.


יחזקאל / Ezekiel 17:22: Thus says the Lord YHWH: I will

also take of צמרת the lofty top of the cedar, and will set

it; I will crop off from the topmost of its young twigs a

tenderone, and I will plant it on a high and lofty mountain.


צמרת the lofty top,

שם שמים Name of Heaven and

48 ארבעים ושמונה fortyeight

are by their numeric value 730.


       730 שבע-מאות ושלשים

       sevenhundred thirty and

       אני ישוע הנצרי

       I am Yeshua of Nazareth (מלויActs 22:8)

       are by their numeric value 1505.


       הגדול the Great; the High

       numeric value is 48.




צמרת the lofty top (מלוי,

ישוע הנקרא משיח

Yeshua, who is called Messiah (Matt. 1:16),

שוכן עד eternal God (מספר גדול) and

20 עשרים twenty (מלוי)

are by their numeric value 1100.


       1100 אלף ומאה

       onethousand onehundred (מלוי) and

       יהוה באדון ישוע

       YHWH in Lord Yeshua

       are by their numeric value 475.


       היה is numeric value is 20.



יחזקאל / Ezekiel 17:22: Thus says the Lord GOD: I will

also take of the lofty top of the cedar, and will set it; I will

crop off from ראש ינקותיו the topmost of its young twigs

a tender one, and I will plant it on a high and lofty mountain.

ראש ינקותיו the topmost of its young twigs,

לא הכירהו ויעשו-בו כרצונם

they didn’t recognize him, but did to

him whatever they wanted to (Matt. 17:12),

העולם לא ידעו

the world didn’t recognize Him (מלויJohn 1:10),

5, 5, 7 חמשה חמשה שבעה five, five, seven,

5, 7, 5 חמשה שבעה חמשה five, seven, five,

2, 0, 8, 0 שנים אפס שמונה אפס two, zero, eight, zero and

8, 0, 0, 2 שמונה אפס אפס שנים eight, zero, zero, two

are by their numeric value 1083.


       1, 0, 8, 3 אחד אפס שמונה שלשה

       one, zero, eight, three and

       בעץ-החיים in the Tree of Life (מלוי)

       are by their numeric value 1190.


       ראשון the First, Messiah (Is. 41:27)

       numeric value is 557.


       המלך the King (מספר גדול) numeric value is 575.


       סוד האלהים אבינו the mystery of God our Father

       (מלוי מספר גדול; Col. 2:2; Hebrew NT)

       numeric value is 2080.


       לא-תעזב נפשי לשאול לא-תתן חסידך לראות שחת

       You will not leave My soul in Sheol (in hell; KJV),

       neither will You allow your Holy One to see decay

       (מלוי מספר גדול; Acts 2:27)

       numeric value is 8002.




ראש ינקותיו the topmost of its young twigs (מלוי)

numeric value is 1743.


       1743 אלף שבע-מאות ארבעים ושלשה

       onethousand sevenhundred fortythree and

       האדון ישוע באלהים

       the Lord Yeshua in GOD (מלוי)

       are by their numeric value 1894.


       1743 אלף שבע-מאות ארבעים ושלשה

       onethousand sevenhundred

       fortythree (מספר גדול) and

       ביהוה אלהינו תשועת ישראל

       in the YHWH our GOD is

       the salvation of Israel (מלויJer. 3:23)

       are by their numeric value 3174.


       1, 7, 4, 3 אחד שבעה ארבעה שלשה

       one, seven, four, three and

       אלהי אברהם אלהי יצחק ואלהי יעקב אלהי אבותינו

       The GOD of Abraham, Isaac, and Jakob,

       the GOD of our fathers (Acts 3:13)

       are by their numeric value 1303.


תהלים / Psalms 72:17: His name endures forever. His name

ינין Yinnin (no translation in English Bible) continues as

long as the sun. Men shall be blessed by him. All nations

will callhim blessed.


ינין Yinnin and

מלך יהודה the King of Judah

are by their numeric value 120.


       120 מאה ועשרים

       onehundred twenty,

       יהוה אלהים

       YHWH GOD (מספר גדול) and

       אני יהוה אלהיכם

       I am the YHWH your GOD (מלוי; Ezek. 20:5)

       are by their numeric value 672.


       1, 2, 0 אחד שנים אפס

       one, two, zero and

       ידע עמי שמי

       My people shall know My name (Is. 52:6)

       are by their numeric value 554.


       1, 2, 0 אחד שנים אפס

       one, two, zero (מספר גדול),

       האדון ישוע הוא הדרך לישועה

       the Lord Yeshua is the Way of Salvation and

       ישוע הוא האדון

       Yeshua is Lord (מספר גדול)

       are by their numeric value 1114.


       1, 2, 0 אחד שנים אפס

       one, two, zero (מלוי) and

       קדוש קדוש קדוש יהוה אלהים צבאות

       Holy, holy, holy, is the

       YHWH GOD of hosts (Rev. 4:8)

       are by their numeric value 1841.




ינין Yinnin (מספר גדול) and

קרבן חטאת the sin offering

are by their numeric value 770.


       770 שבע-מאות ושבעים

       sevenhundred seventy and

       אני-אל ואין עוד

       I am GOD, and there is none else (מלוי; Is. 45:22)

       are by their numeric value 1247.


       770 שבע-מאות ושבעים

       sevenhundred seventy and

       יהוה באדון ישוע המשיח

       YHWH in Lord Yeshua the Messiah (מלוי)

       are by their numeric value 2525.


       7, 7, 0 שבעה שבעה אפס

       seven, seven, zero and

       אביר ישראל

       the Mighty One of Israel (מלויIs. 1:24)

       are by their numeric value 2128.




ינין Yinnin (מלוי) and

האלהים הקימו GOD raised Him (Acts 13:30)

are by their numeric value 252.


       2, 5, 2 שנים חמשה שנים

       two, five, two (מלוי מספר גדולand

       האדון ישוע הנצרי היה והוה ובוא

       the Lord Yeshua of Nazareth who was and

       who is and who is to come (מלוי מספר גדול)

       are by their numeric value 3108.