
המשיח דתי ORTHODOX MESSIAH (he5 + mem40 + shin300 + yud10 + chet8 + dalet4 + tav400 + yud10) = 777

יהוה בישוע המשיח YHVH IN YESHUA THE MESSIAH (yud10 + he5 + vav6 + he5 + beit2 + yud10 + shin300 + vav6 + ayin70 + he5 + mem40 + shin300 + yud10 + chet8) 777

ישוע הושיע YESHUA TO SAVE (yud10 + shin300 + vav6 + ayin70 + he5 + vav6 + shin300 + yud10 + ayin70) 777

The Acts 4:10-12: “Be it known unto you all, and to all thepeople of Israel, that by the name of Yeshua Messiah of Nazareth, whom ye crucified, whom God raised from the dead… This is the stone which was set at nought of you builders, which is become the head of the corner *)Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved”.
       *) Psalms 118:22; Isaiah 28:16

Philippians 2:6-11: “Who, being in the form of God,thought it not robbery to be equal with God: But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men: And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross. Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name: That at the name of Yeshua every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth *)And that every tongue should confess that Yeshua Messiah is Lord, to the glory of God the Father”. 
       *) Isaiah 45:23



ישוע YESHUA (yud10 + shin300 + vav6 + ayin70) = 386

הוא הוה משיח HE IS MESSIAH (he5 + vav6 + alef1 + he5 + vav6 + he5 + mem40 + shin300 + yud10 + chet8) = 386

שם אלהי GOD’S NAME (shin300 + mem40 + alef1 + lamed30 + he5 + yud10) = 386

יהוה במשיח YHVH IN MESSIAH (yud10 + he5 + vav6 + he5 + beit2 + mem40 + shin300 + yud10 + chet8) = 386


Numbers 3, 8 and 6:

3 שלשה THREE (shin300 + lamed30 + shin300 + he5) = 635;

רוח של האלהים THE SPIRIT OF GOD (reish200 + vav6 + chet8 + shin300 + lamed30 + he5 + alef1 + lamed30 + he5 + yud10 + mem40) = 635

8 שמונה EIGHT (shin300 + mem40 + vav6 + nun50 + he5) = 401;

יהוה הוא המשיח YHVH IS THE MESSIAH (yud10 + he5 + vav6 + he5 + he5 + vav6 + alef1 + he5 + mem40 + shin300 + yud10 + chet8) = 401

6 ששה SIX (shin300 + shin300 + he5) = 605;

אדם MAN (alef1 + dalet4 + mem600) = 605

2 Corinthians 5:19-21: “To wit, that God was in Messiah, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them; and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation. Now then we are ambassadors for Messiah, as though God did beseech you by us: we pray you in Messiah’s stead, be ye reconciled to God. For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him”.



Exodus 3:14: אהיה אשר אהיה I AM THAT I AM (alef1 + he5 + yud10 + he5 + alef1 + shin300 + reis200 + alef1 + he5 + yud10 + he5) = 543

Matthew 1:23: שמו עמנואל HIS NAME EMMANUEL

(shin300 + mem40 + vav6 + ayin70 + mem40 + nun50 + vav6 + alef1 + lamed30) = 543

בישראל IN ISRAEL (beit2 + yud10 + shin300 + reis200 + alef1 + lamed30) = 543

בקהלות IN CONGRECATIONS (beit2 + kuf100 + he5 + lamed30 + vav6 + tav400) = 543

אבי MY FATHER (alef111 + beit412 + yud20) = 543
יבא COME TO, ARRIVE (yud20 + beit412 + alef111) = 543



Matthew 1:23: עמנואל EMMANUEL (ayin70 + mem40 + nun50 + vav6 + alef1 + lamed30) = 197

הוא הוה יהוה HE IS YHVH (he6 + vav12 + alef111 + he6 + vav12 + he6 + yud20 + hey6 + vav12 + he6) = 197


Genesis 3:15: זרעה האשה הוא HE IS SEED OF WOMAN

(zayin7 + reis200 + ayin70 + he5 + he5 + alef1 + shin300 + he5 + he5 + vav6 + alef1) = 605

Genesis 49:11: שרקה SeREKA, Messiah (shin300 + reis200 + kuf100 + he5) = 605

Figures 6, 0, 5 ששה אפס חמשה SIX, ZERO, FIVE

(shin300 + shin300 + he5 + alef1 + pei80 + samech60 + chet8 + mem40 + shin300 + he5) = 1099

Isaiah 41:27: ראשון THE FIRST, Messiah (reis510 + alef111 + shin360 + vav12 + nun106) = 1099

Number 605 שש-מאות וחמשה SIXHUNDRED FIVE

(shin300 + shin300 + mem40 + alef1 + vav6 + tav400 + vav6 + chet8 + mem40 + shin300 + he5) = 1406

ישוע המשיח YESHUA THE MESSIAH (yud20 + shin360 + vav12 + ayin130 + he6 + mem80 + shin360 + yud20 + chet418) = 1406


Ephesians 4:5: טבילה אחת ONE BAPTISM (tet9 + beit2 +yud10 + lamed30 + he5 + alef1 + chet8 + tav400) = 465

כבתחלה LIKE IN THE BEGINNING (kaf20 + beit2 + tav400 + chet8 + lamed30 + he5) = 465

Figures 4, 6, 5 ארבעה ששה חמשה FOUR, SIX, FIVE

(alef1 + reis200 + beit2 + ayin70 + he5 + shin300 + shin300 + he5 + chet8 + mem40 + shin300 + he5) = 1236

הטבלה לשם האדון ישוע המשיח BAPTISM IN THE NAME

OF LORD YESHUA MESSIAH (he5 + tet9 + beit2 + lamed30 + he5 + lamed30 + shin300 + mem40 + he5 + alef1 + dalet4 + vav6 + nun50 + yud10 + shin300 + vav6 + ayin70 + he5 + mem40 + shin300 + yud10 + chet8) = 1236

Moshe Zew