Yeshua of Natzeret: “All things are possible to him who believes” (Mark 9:23).
Theodor Herzl (Binyamin Ze’ev): “If you will, it is no fairytale”.
Shaul of Tarsus: “Now all these things happened to them by way of example, and they were written for our admonition, on whom the ends of the ages have come” (I Cor. 10:11).
Israel’s rebuilding has had three phases: an intellectual phase (Ezekiel 37:1-6), a visible, physical phase (vv. 7-8), and a spiritual coming-to-life phase (vv. 9-14).
Phase 1. The restoration of Israel began on the intellectual level. In the years 1863 and 1870 the first newspapers in the Hebrew language appeared. Their intent was to gather their people into their own land. In 1897 the first Zionist Congress was held and the World Zionist Organization was founded in Basel, Switzerland, under the leadership of Theodor Herzl. The movement adopted two goals:
– the return of the Jews to their homeland, the land of Israel, and the renewal of Jewish national life on its soil, and
– a recognized, legally protected place of residence for the Jews in their original homeland
The Hebrew language was revived under the leadership of Eliezer Ben-Jehudah, David Jellin, and Nissim Behar. In 1892 they determined the Hebrew words which were to be used in mathematics and science and established a common curriculum for schools. Forty years after the founding of the first newspaper Hebrew became the main language of the Jews living in the Holy Land.
Phase 2. On November 12, 1917, British General Allenby arrived in Jerusalem and ended four centuries of Ottoman rule in the Holy Land. The British mandate lasted from 1922 to 1948. During the Second World War (1939-1945) six million Jews, about a third of the world’s 16 million Jews, perished. In May 1941 the American Zionist Conference called for the creation of a Jewish state in Palestine. In 1942 the Jews of Palestine became aware of the genocide carried out by the Nazis. Faced with the indifference and even obstructive policies of the British and other Allies they committed themselves to a national rescue operation. At the end of the Second World War the British turned away about 100,000 survivors of the Holocaust who were seeking a place of refuge in Palestine. At that time the Jews living in Palestine resolved to do two things:
– to bring Jewish refugees into the country
– to liberate the country from British rule and achieve independence for the Jewish people
On May 14, 1948, the physical phase of Israel’s rebuilding began. Israel became a nation. The bones had come together. Tendons and flesh began to grow on the bones and they were covered by skin. But there was no spirit in them yet (Ezekiel 37.7-8). Immediately after their declaration of independence the surrounding Arab nations invaded Israel. After two week of fighting the Arabs and British gained control of the Jewish quarter of Jerusalem. Despite the fact that the United States prevented the import of arms and England helped the Arabs, Israel and its 700,000 refugees survived the invasion of seven Arab states with their population of 30 million. Little David conquered big Goliath – seven nations (Deut 7.1, Joshua 3.10). It was miracle of God! Israel became an independent state, but there was no spirit in her yet.
Phase 3. Israel’s third phase, the spiritual phase, will come only after they have received their Messiah, Yeshua of Nazareth. God will pour upon them a spirit of grace and supplication and they will look upon Him (Yeshua) whom they have pierced (Psalm 22:17, Zech. 12.10, Rev. 1:7). They will call upon My name, and I will answer them. I will say, My people, and they will say: My God (Zech 13.9, Rev 3.12). Afterward Yeshua will come to the Mount of Olives and then the YHVH will be king of the whole land. On that day YHVH will be one and His name shall be one (Zech. 14.4,9). Then Israel will become the center of blessing and salvation for the whole world.
Upon returning to their liberated homeland, the Jews experienced the same thing experienced by those who have on their heart the restoration of the church to what it was at the beginning. “Everyone has joined forces against us – the Christians, the Moslems, and the pagans!” Those who are building the church are on the black list. So was Nehemiah in his time. God had promised blessing upon the reconstruction but each man had to keep his sword in one hand while working with the other (Neh. 4.17).
The restorers will be opposed just as the founders of the state of Israel were opposed. Even today the ultra-orthodox Jews still maintain that “God has promised to bring his people together but these Zionists are working with their own strength. This is definitely out of order; this is not the Lord’s way. They will not be able to restore Israel in this manner!” Many Christians claim that unity will be achieved only by the rapture, just as the Jews were told that they will receive their land as a gift from God only when Messiah comes. God has not planned it this way. They obtained the land by fighting for it. In the same way it will require a struggle to restore the church. Unity will be achieved prior to Yeshua’s arrival to take his church. “Heaven must receive Him until the time of restoration of all things of which God spoke in ancient times through the mouth of his holy prophets” (Acts 3.21).
Those who desire the fulfillment of Yeshua’s prayer (John 17.20-23) will discover that others want to assimilate them into denominations. In no way do others want the full unity that can be achieved outside of denominations. Those groups which began on the basis of the local assembly have, upon denominationalizing, become opponents of restoration. By every means possible they try to prevent those who are leaving the denominations from reaching the restored local assembly. In the former Soviet Union it was noticeable that the officials were more willing to let those Jews depart whose destination was some other country besides Israel and held back those who goal was aliyah, moving to the land of Israel. Even for a spiritual Jew it is easier to reach another denominational land than it is to reach the promised land. In most cases moving from one denomination to another is considered OK. But moving to the local assembly should be the obvious move for the Christian who has read his Bible. It appears all the forces of darkness are trying to stop God’s plans and Yeshua’s coming.
Is it written somewhere that the unity of believers will Be achieved without lifting a finger? Several times God promised. “I will give you the land of Israel” (for example, Gen. 17.8, Num. 14.30), but when the time came, He said, “Go and take the land!” (Deut. 1.8). It took a fierce struggle to obtain that which had been promised. During the entire time in which God’s church has been scattered among denominations the promised land has been theirs just as Palestine was the Jews’ land even though they were dispersed among all the nations. Now there is talk in both cases of a return and of a reconstruction. Is it written anywhere that effort should not be exerted in either case?
God’s church is still in ruins, uncared for, and in a degraded state as Palestine was when the Jews began to return and rebuild it. With sweat and toil they made the land arable. Many scorned them saying, “This is the land that flows with milk and honey?” (Exodus 3.8, 13.5, 33.3). God’s church is now as Palestine was before but with the Lord’s help it will become an arable land flowing with milk and honey (I Cor. 3.9). When the Israelites stood between Pharaoh’s armies and the Red Sea everything seemed hopeless. But God uses just these situations that seem hopeless to show his power. Why do Christians not notice this? Have they all become so blind? Christians must now buy eye salve (Rev 3.18) in order to see what God’s will is. God’s promises belong to those who will do His will (Matt 7.21, Luke 6.46, John 9.31, James 1.22).
It is now the end time. The church will be tested and the true Jews will be separated from the chaff. “He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still. And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be” (Rev. 22.11-12). End time events are presently taking place. The fire is hot and its purpose is to purify. “I will purify them as silver is purified and I will try them as gold is trued. They will call upon my Name and I will answer them” (Zech 13.9). This is the purpose of this tribulation, of this trial by fire.
God has not rejected his church. Worldliness and hardening have overtaken her, but just for a limited time. “‘The tribe of Israel (just as the church of God) went into exile because of its sin, because they were unfaithful to me (practiced harlotry, joined the world) and I turned my face from them and I gave them into the hand of their enemy and they fell each one by the sword. I did unto them according to their uncleanness and wrong doing and turned my face from them’. Therefore thus says the YHVH, ‘Now I will turn the fortune of Jacob and I will have mercy upon the tribe of Israel and I will be zealous for my holy name. And I will bring them back from among the nations (believers from denominations) and I will gather them from the lands of their enemies. Thus I will show in them my holiness before the eyes of the nations. And they will come to know that I, the Lord – YHVH – am their God when I, have brought them from exile among the nations and gather them into their own land (the believers into the local assembly) and I will not leave one of them there. And I will no longer turn my face from them for I will pour out my Spirit upon the tribe of Israel’, says the Lord YHVH” (Ezek 39.23-29).
The birth of the restored assembly appears very difficult to the natural sight. Nevertheless according to the Bible it has a firmer basis than any other kind of congregation. At the beginning everything is in disarray and nothing appears to function. Nevertheless we do not doubt the final outcome. It is according to a biblical principle and the answer to Yeshua’s prayer … that they would all be one … so that the world would believe … and understand that you have sent me (John 17.18ff).
During all of church history there has been a small Flock outside of the camp (that is, the denominations) (Heb. 13.13) and in the end time they will establish the church upon the model of the early apostolic church. Many of the prophesies of the Bible will become timely when the church is formed and established and comes closer to the early church. Now at the end of the age of the Laodicean church (Rev. 3.14ff) there has arisen in many the desire to experience a living, working faith in place of dead religion. This desire brings forth a willingness to sacrifice, zeal, and love for restoration. It instills faith in the future and an ability to overcome the greatest obstacles.
For such believers the restored assembly is the only alternative; dead religion has nothing to give them. It is truly a matter of life and death. In their desire to sacrifice everything they will have to experience powerful opposition. Denominations will stand against them as Goliath did against David. They will experience all kinds of opposition; they will be slandered, all kinds of rumors will be spread about them, and they will be called dreamers. This all belongs to the birth pangs of restoration and the result will be according to what God has revealed in the Bible.
Some religious circles will take a neutral position regarding restoration but in their hearts they do not hope for victory for the spiritual Jews. Many leaders and workers will instill fear in their church members and cause them to avoid the restorers because they supposedly are causing the destruction of congregations. But you cannot destroy that which does not exist. A denomination is not the church. The fate of denominations is tied to the fate of Babylon (Rev. 18) and the restorers cannot change that. Their task is solely to bring God’s admonition to those believers who will listen: Depart from her, my people … (Rev. 18.4). The company of pioneers is small which will come to do the work. It is like Gideon’s exploit with three hundred men (Judges 7). If you were to take into account the theological armaments of the denominational leaders and workers and their skill in using them, you would think that the restorers would fall by the thousands. But that will not happen. The spiritual Jews will be the winners and their victory can only be explained as a great miracle of God. The Messiah, Yeshua of Nazareth, is the help of his people and he will not let the enemy overcome them.
In the building of the restored assembly many will join it acting like the English soldiers during the formation of the state of Israel. They departed from the country but return via Jordan disguised as Arabs. “And such as do wickedly against the covenant shall he corrupt by flatteries: but the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits. And they that understand among the people shall instruct many: yet they shall fall by the sword, and by flame, by captivity, and by spoil, many days. Now when they shall fall, they shall be helped with a little help: but many shall cleave to them with flatteries. And some of them of understanding shall fall, to try them, and to purge, and to make them white, even to the time of the end: because it is yet for a time appointed” (Daniel 11.32-35).
By bringing pretenders into the assembly, the enemy intends to lower its spiritual state and to take it down the same road of defection upon which the early church went, led by its leaders after the death of the apostles. The church will be tested, sifted, and purified for the end time and all false brethren will be exposed.
The issue of unity is a current one in God’s church. Does unity exist only on the universal level or it a more visible unity possible? The concept of the universal church has developed in the world in which believers are scattered among different denominations and in which they have few contacts, such as in the organizing of meetings and ministry projects. They do not strive for close unity but are waiting for Messiah upon coming to take his own will unite them and they will be fully one in heaven.
In the beginning large congregations, such as the one in Jerusalem, were one even if they met in different homes. For the first hundred years after the birth of the church the believers did not build even one building intended only for the purpose of meeting. The first known church building was built in 160 AD. Those believers who strive for fuller unity base their belief on the practice of the early church, that each locality had only one assembly. Those who belong in the other category avoid such a notion and strive to be assimilated into their own denomination even deeper than before. Yeshua nevertheless prayed that the believers would have a unity that would be visible. That assumes that one will depart from his denomination and come into unity with the free non-denominational believers in his own locality.
In connection with restoration another critical issue needs to be considered: must each spiritual Jew make a spiritual aliyah, that is, leave his denomination to build the local assembly or can he remain in his denomination? Some think it is an advantage to belong to a denomination, they think they can thus build the body of Messiah. They consider talk about restoration and actually doing it as some kind of caprice on the road to true unity. Many believers have left their first love (Rev. 2.4) in order to remain in their denomination. Upon coming into the faith they were zealous in their faith and love for Yeshua. They were able to see miracles and powerful deeds done by Yeshua’s Spirit through them (Acts 16.7). Gradually however a cooling off began and often it became apparent that they no longer represented Yeshua but the denomination to which they belonged. They abandoned their first love, the signs and wonders diminished from their life and finally there was only a lukewarm academic religiosity (Rev. 3.16).
Yeshua words of warning apply to them: “Not every one that says unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that does the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in your name? and in your name have cast out devils? and in your name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, you that work iniquity” (Matt 7.21-23).
The trend of believers in the denominations toward greater worldliness should provoke them to realize we have come to the moment when one can remain spiritual only in the scriptural unity of believers and therefore the return to the restored assembly is not an option. When the church has returned to its original state, a spiritual renewal will take place which will bring us back to signs and wonders as before in connection with unity, when the Word is declared and confirmed by the Lord (Mark 16.20).
Zionism is the Jewish national freedom movement whose goal is a Jewish state with secure borders. Zionism is a movement that wants to encourage the voluntary emigration of Jews to Israel. Zionism is not capitalistic, neo-colonialist, or imperialistic and it does not strive to form a Greater Israel stretching from the Mediterranean to the Euphrates.
Christian Zionism is a Christian freedom movement whose goal is a restored assembly. Its purpose is not to establish a new denomination. It seeks to lead believers out of denominations. The assembly does not need to expend effort on the collection of funds because it will not possess real estate and it will not have salaried officials or any other kind of personnel. Apostles, prophets, evangelists, shepherds and teachers who have been appointed by the Spirit (Eph. 4.11) will function as the responsible ones in the assembly. They will not consider godliness a means of gain but will “follow righteousness, godliness, faith, love, perseverance, and meekness” (I Tim. 6.5,11) ” … for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Messiah: till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Messiah: that we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive; but speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Messiah: from whom the whole body fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint supplies, according to the effectual working in the measure of every part, makes increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in love” (Eph 4.12-16).
Yeshua called it a little flock (Luke 12.32); thus it would never become a large company. The opposite large company the Bible calls Babylon the Great (Rev. 18.2) and unfortunately the largest part of Christendom will end up in its bosom. Only during the Kingdom of Peace under Messiah’s rule will natural Israel obtain the boundaries promised to her and the little flock lead by Messiah Yeshua of Nazareth will rule Greater Israel and the whole world.
The return to rebuilding the early church has begun in a Zionism on the spiritual level. Zionism is the principle by which restoration will be achieved. If the restored local apostolic assembly wishes to be a real center of spiritual life, it is vital that believers want to and know how to live in interaction with that little flock. At the end time as a result of receiving admonition or experiencing persecution they will depart from Babylon, that is from the denominations, to form a genuine Christian Zionist movement.
When part of the Hebrews (the Levites, the tribe of Judah, and half of Benjamin) returned from Babylonian captivity about 2500 years ago, God awakened in their innermost being the desire to return to Jerusalem. In a remarkable way this has also happened to Israel in our time. The Zionist movement has been God’s instrument to fish the Jews back to their homeland. Zionism is a movement which God originated. God will also liberate spiritual Israel from Babylonian captivity, that is, denominations. He wants to awaken in their innermost being also the thought of returning to the original assembly.
The old Jewish Passover greeting “Next year in Jerusalem” also applies to spiritual Jews, those who desire the life of the original assembly pictured by the city of Jerusalem (Psalm 87). This greeting expresses the hope that the church would return to what it was in the beginning. During the entire course of church history there have been those believers who have desired it.
For ages in their religious observance the Jews have Prayed for the rebuilding of the temple in Jerusalem as well as for the regathering of their scattered people. Nevertheless only a few of the early Jewish thinkers gave this idea any concrete shape. Exceptions were Yehuda Ha-Levi (1075-1141) and Isak Luria (1543-1572). Perhaps the most significant forerunner of Zionism was Rabbi Löw eli Maharal of Prague (died 1609). He believed that not even one ethnic group should have to live in submission to another; the dispersion of the Jews was not a tolerable condition. In his mind they had the right to anticipate their liberation by Messiah but they were not permitted to attempt to return to their homeland on their own initiative.
Elija Gaon (1720-1797) of Vilna, an opponent of Hasidism, was very learned and held in exceptionally high regard. In his criticism of Hasidism his starting point was that Hasidism placed greater importance on inwardly directed mystical experience than on the study of the word and put unrestrained subjectivism at the center. He was disciplined and self-possessed, a thorough researcher of literature and wrote commentaries on the Bible, the Mishna, and the two Talmuds. His disciples went in three large groups to Palestine in the years 1808 and 1809 and founded a Jewish community in Safed. They sent heralds to Europe to encourage other Jews to follow their example. In seven years the number of immigrants to Safed rose from 200 to 700.
Rabbi Zvi Kalischer (1795-1874) and Yehuda Alkalai should be included among the early Zionist thinkers. They both rejected the common belief of the Jews that salvation was only something that God could do. They believed that the individual could hasten salvation. Consider what Peter said ” … looking for and hastening the day of God… ” (II Peter 3.12).
The Jews have been extremely undesirous of returning to their own land. Many of them have preferred to consider as their homeland the land where they have lived. Many spiritual Jews have also been so sold on their denominations (whose cradle is Rome) that they prefer to remain in them rather than come into visible unity. In 1862 Moses Hess in his book ROME AND JERUSALEM pointed out the impossibility of assimilation of the individual and undertook to become the spokesmen for national liberation. In his opinion the Jewish state had to be established in Palestine where the revival of intellectual and religious life would be possible. He was the first who clearly understood that racist anti-Semitism would become an obstacle either to liberation from a subordinate position – or to assimilation which they considered better.
Neither can true spiritual Jews assimilate into denominations. At the end time they will gather into an assembly based on the original apostolic model and thus will believers return from worldly religiosity to their first love for Yeshua – the return from Rome to Jerusalem – the return from the bosom of the harlot Jezebel to pure worship of God as before. Like many of the early Zionists Moses Hess wrote too early and he was largely ignored. It has also happened to those who spoke in earlier times about the return of the spiritual Jews to their homeland. God’s will will nevertheless be done regardless of the indifference of men.
The pogroms in Russia especially beginning in the year 1881 hastened the development of Zionism. Jews began to widely understand that at least for the Jews of Russia there were no great hopes for achieving civil rights. Emigration appeared to be the only solution and thus it began mainly to the West. In 1882 Zionist activists in Russia founded an organization called Hibbat Tsion (Love for Zion). Its first group emigrated that same year and established a community called Rishon-le-Tsion (meaning “the first ones to Zion”) in Palestine. In the same year Romanian Jews established the community Rosh Pina in Galilee. In the following years several new settlements were born. In 1882 a doctor, Leo Pinsker (1821-1891), emphasized in his paper AUTO-EMANCIPATION the right of the Jewish people and their obligation to stand up on their feet and liberate themselves. He had earlier worked for the cause of assimilation but now he dismissed all such thoughts. He became convinced that it was impossible for the Jews to mix with other nations. The only thing to do was to establish a Jewish state in Palestine. Spiritual Jews also have to stand up on their feet. They also can no longer assimilate into the denominational mixture of Babylon. They can no longer take a stand for any particular denomination. Their only possibility is to return to the original assembly.
The term Zionism originated with Nathan Birnbaum (1864-1937). But the founder of modern Zionism was Theodor Herzl (1860-1904) who in 1896 laid the foundation in his book THE JEWISH STATE. Herzl’s parents were assimilated Jews and he did not know his predecessors Hess or Pinsker at all. But he was soon in contact with the Hibbat Tsion organization. But Baron Rothschild who had begun a fund for the purchase of tracts of land for Jewish settlements in the middle of the 19th century and Baron Hirsch considered his plans foolish and did not want to support them.
Herzl’s book on the Jewish state became Zionism’s classic. Besides arousing support, his political Zionism also aroused fear and bitterness among both orthodox and liberal Jews. Even though they gave their approval to the thought of the Jews returning to their homeland, they feared that Herzl’s political declaration would cause Palestine to be closed to all Jews. Regardless of all the opposition Herzl’s line became the winner. His words appealed to the deepest feelings and most powerful longing of the Jewish people. Christian Zionism will also awaken in groups of believers similar feelings and also action. The response of many will be positive to the prospect of the unity of all believers but they will want to avoid all practical and visible unity. But true unity will win. Attaining such unity will satisfy the deepest desires of believers’ spirits and alleviate the great sorrow that has been caused by the scattering of the body of Messiah (Eph 5.30).
In the beginning Herzl had attempted to gain international recognition for his organization and its plans. When this did not happen, they began to turn to other issues. Different factions appeared in the Zionist movement. Great Britain’s proposal to establish a Jewish national home in Uganda in East Africa was discussed at the 1903 Zionist Congress. Herzl was ready to approve this as a temporary measure because the situation of the Jews in East Europe had become so unbearable that they had To do something. But a large East European delegation nevertheless decisively resisted any alternatives to Palestine. This was due to the diplomatic efforts of World Zionist Organization’s Chaim Weizmann (1874-1952) who later became the first president of the Jewish state (1948-1952).
Israel and also Jerusalem finally belong to the Jews. Their goal has been realized. At the same time God has been bringing spiritual Israel together. He has begun in a visible manner to answer Yeshua’s prayer that the believers would be one. God’s people are beginning to return from the prison of denominations to the original way of assembling. But there are still countless Christians who are not desirous of leaving their denominations, just as the majority of Jews living in the Diaspora are undesirous of moving to Israel. God will send the fishers who will fish them and he will send hunters who will drive them out of denominations (Jer 16.16, Luke 6.22). True spiritual Jews are beginning to undergo persecution at the hands of religious people and likewise anti-Semitic powers all over the world will persecute, kill, and drive Jews away.
The opponents of Zionism considered the establishment of the state of Israel a hopeless cause; they treat the restoration of the church in the same manner. Nevertheless in 1948 the state of Israel became a reality and likewise the restored assembly will be a reality before Yeshua comes to take away his own. Heaven will keep him as long as it takes to accomplish it.
The World Zionist Organization is the connection between the Jews living in Israel and those living in exile. In the same way the restorers need to keep contact with all those who are born of God’s Spirit. Those who have moved to the promised land and those who are still in their homelands or denominations are by virtue of their birth spiritual Jews. They are brothers and sisters. The Jews maintain unity with the help of the World Zionist Organization . There must also be contact among spiritual Jews.
In question is not a particular individual’s cause; neither is it a matter of a new denomination with a prophet or other figure who can be presented as its founder. Believers together will build the church in their own localities. It appears that younger believers are more desirous of stepping onto the road of restoration, because they have not yet managed to become so attached to their denominations and their first love for Yeshua still burns in them. Those believers who desire the faith and power of the early church will obtain it in a restored assembly. To achieve it they must become a clean slate. Their thoughts must be cleansed of the old denominational teachings which are not in line with the Bible. Some will realize that they are spiritually poor (Matt 5.3) and will want to experience true living faith; they will leave first because they are sure that by doing so their spiritual life will change for the better.
The restorers will encounter much opposition because many older prisoners will not voluntarily leave their prison. But let every opponent find in God’s word a justification for his opposition. Anyone who does not want to leave may remain where he is. There is no intention of seizing someone by force out of his denomination. In this regard God’s Spirit will function as Abraham’s servant did when he met Rebekah at the well (Genesis 24). God’s Spirit had already prepared Rebekah and she was ready to leave with the servant to become the wife of Isaac, who foreshadows Messiah.
It appears that there will be a battle with the mean, narrow-minded, and shortsighted church people just as Yeshua in his time encountered the opposition of his learned orthodox countrymen. But we must remember that our battle is not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places (Eph 6.12) because the enemy knows that this age will end with the restoration of all things.
When Israel went through tribulation and persecution, it always ended with a celebration. Pharaoh wanted to destroy the Jews when they lived in Egypt but the result was פסח Passover (Exodus 12). Haman also wanted to get rid of The Jews; the result was פורים Purim (Esther 9.26-28). Antiochus Epiphanes tried to do likewise and the result was חנכה Hanukkah or the Dedication of the Temple (John 10.22). The pogroms of Russia brought to birth the Zionist movement. After Hitler’s cruel genocide came Israel’s יום-העצמאות Independence Day. Israel still has its last great tribulation ahead of her but that also will end in a celebration. On that occasion Israel will accept her משיח ישוע הנצרי Messiah, Yeshua of Nazareth, and will crown Him King. The last tribulation of the church of God when all the false brethren will turn against her will end with a wonderful celebration when her Bridegroom, Yeshua of Nazareth, will come and take her to the wedding of the Lamb.
Now is the time for a spiritual exodus. Now is the time for every believer truly born of the Spirit and walking in the Spirit to depart for the promised land, to take part in the restoration of the local assembly. According to the Word of God, all spiritual Israel is to leave denominations, there will not remain in them one who is circumcised in the Spirit (Ezekiel 39.28).
Original text in Finnish: Hengellinen Sionismi
(Spiritual Zionism), Moshe Zew, 1983
Translation to English: Steve Mintiyev, 2001
